Choose Your Why is a trainer led ,Team health & wellness competition with the goal of helping you reach YOUR goals. The competition will be point based. Each individual will earn points towards their team total by
1. Attending your team’s weekly workout.
2. Weighing in weekly with your coach.
3. Completing the Weekly challenge (they may be physical or nutritional).
4. At the completion of the program, each participant will receive 1 point for each percentage of weight they have lost.
There will also be opportunities for bonus points along the way such as attending our nutritional seminar on 1/16/24 at 5:30pm, and participating in our Boot Camp Monopoly workout on Sunday 2/11/24 at 2:00 pm and many more opportunities throughout the program.
Prizes will be awarded to the 1st place overall team with the most points as well as 1st, 2nd & 3rd place individuals with the most points.
You pick your Coach and the time! Be sure to register under the team that best fits your schedule.
All participants will receive a Team T-shirt. Please register by 12/18/23 to guarantee you have your shirt at the beginning of the program. If you register after 12/18/23 you will still receive a shirt just at a later date.
Participants must be 18+
Members – $150.00
Non-Members – $250.00 (Includes an 8 week Y membership)