For more information or to register please visit Hampton Aquatics by clicking the button below.
Little Fry: 6mo-1yr
Big Fry: 1-3yo
Parent and child swim class. Learn a series of floats and become acclimated with water. Songs and water games. 1 class will be a parent, child water safety class.
Length: 6 weeks 30-minute class
Seahorses: 3+ Beginner
Child only class. Learn a series of floats, arm circles, and kicks. Get familiar with water and learn to comfortably put your face in. Intro into learning how to hold your breath. 1 class will be for water safety.
Length: 6 weeks 30-minute class
Jellyfish: 5+ Beginner
Child only class. Learn a series of floats, arm circles, and kicks. Get familiar with water and learn to comfortably put your face in. Intro into learning how to hold your breath. 1 class will be for water safety.
Length: 6 weeks 30-minute class
Koi Fish: 3+ Intermediate (Test required)
Child only class. Lean survival strokes, intro into treading, master unassisted floating, and swim the width of the pool unassisted. Learn to swim with face in the water, intro to breathing patterns, and mastering arm circles and kicks. 1 class will be for water safety.
Length: 6 weeks 30-minute class
Swim test:
Swim unassisted for 15+ feet
Float on back for 10 seconds
Jump in shallow end
Fully submerge body underwater
Stingray’s: Intermediate-Advanced 5+ (Test required)
Child only class. Learn to build endurance and perfect your stroke. Learn survival strokes and intro into to competitive strokes. (Back, Breast, and Butterfly) Advance breathing patterns. Intro into equipment use. 1 class will be for water safety.
Length: 6 weeks 45-minute class
Swim test:
Swim length of pool with breaks
Tread water for 30 seconds
Float on back 10+ seconds
Use a kickboard unassisted for the length of the pool
Swordfish: Advanced 6+ (Test required)
Child only class. Learn to swim 4+ strokes. Intro into competitive swimming styles, build endurance, master strokes, and learn starts and flip turns. 1 class will be for water safety.
Length: 6 weeks 45-minute class
Swim test:
Swim length of the pool
Tread water for 1 min (30+ seconds)
Properly use a kickboard Retrieve dive toy from deep end/deep-shallow end
Sharks: Expert/Stroke technique 8+ (Test required)
Child only class. Build endurance and master all strokes. Improve speeds and techniques. Competitive swimming style.
Length: 6 weeks 1hour class
Swim test:
Swim 2 lengths of the pool without stopping
Tread 2 minutes
Knows 3+ strokes
Retrieve dive toy from deep end of pool
Adult Beginner Class
Learn a series of floats, how to properly use your arms and legs in the water, comfortably put your face in, and intro into holding your breath. Build confidence with peers of your ability.
Length: 6 weeks 30-minute class
Adult Lap Swim
Learn a series of stroke techniques, how to improve your current stroke, and build speed. This class is perfect for triathletes, competitive swimmers, and swimmers who would like to improve their stroke.
Length: 6 weeks 45-minute class
Private Lessons
Our private lessons start at $25 and go up in price depending on length of lesson and joiners. Please email [email protected] for a quote.
There is a 3% fee for all electronic payments (credit/debit card, Apple Pay, or bank transfer).
If you have any questions or concerns please call Audrina at 269-924-8425 option 3.